Cat with worms...?

I just adopted a cat and discovered he has worms. I plan on going to the vet in the next few days for him to get a checkup. Are there any over-the-counter medications that are actually effective? If treated at the vet, is it a one-time thing or multiple treatments? Thanks for the help.

Kelly C2007-09-03T00:41:52Z

Favorite Answer

It depends on what kind of worms. They do sell roundworm treatment at petsmart, but you probably don't know what kind of worms he has, so that point is moot.
Take him to the vet. If he has tapeworms (likely), the vet will probably give him a pill and have you give him another one in two weeks.


The shot from the vet will cure the worms, but it can get re-infected if the cat ingests a flea. Google "feline worms" and read-up so you're well informed. Its also a good idea to use Frontline or Advantage flea treatments monthly to keep your cat flea-free.