Why CAN'T Pagans and Wiccans be "good" Christians if you accept the following?
To be a "good" Christian, one must follow the example of Christ, correct?
Then why if Jesus speaks in the Parable of the Last Judgement in Matthew 25:31-46 (New International Version - UK) to those who ask him when did we minister to you does he answer "'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me."
Does this not say that those who follow his teachings and minister to those who are hungry by giving them something to eat, or thirsty by giving them something to drink, or inviting the stranger in, or clothing those who need it, or visiting the sick and imprisoned to minister to them ARE the true followers of Christ and not just those who call themselves by His name?
I have found that many Pagans and Wiccans will accept Jesus as a MANIFESTATION of the Divine, so their not accepting Jesus as SOLE Divinity should not negate their works if done as a form of Kharis in the religious sense
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Here's the real question...if you see someone working at a food pantry or homeless shelter, do you just ASSUME they're Christian because they're doing good deeds? Are all Pagans and Wiccans supposed to be dancing skyclad under the full moon and giving the finger to society? How do you know if someone is a Christian or Pagan without asking them? Here's the thing....through all religious beliefs, there is an underlying principle of "do good and good will come to you." call it Karma, call it Law of Three, call it Biblical, but it's the same principle.
I agree with you, but my answer is directed at those that nay say and want to throw stone at your Ideas
You missed the point was to try and get everyone to help others not put them down, and to build a common ground between Christians, Pagans, Heathens, and Reconstructionist.
Me I'm a Discordian,it's my job to get people to think. So here's you Golden Apple from Eris Kallisti Discordia. Let's see if you can do any better than Paris of Troy!!!!
There is nothing to say someone can't be a Christian and a Jew or Pagan or Buddhist - or any combination. The present Archbishop of Canterbury happens to be a Druid. Within my own Christian order are Buddhists, Jews, Muslims. While the majority think in absolutes and exclusionism, there are many who ignore all the arguments and learn to be what they are, at ease with various threads in their spiritual nature.
Some Pagans and some Wiccans are really good people who aren't against the basic teachings of Christ, but don't believe in Him as Messiah. From a Christian perspective, we would say that God is working on them.
I like that. The flip side of what Jesus said there was that many who called themselves his followers would be surprised to find out they weren't... because they weren't doing exactly the things you cited. People get too hung up on labels. You're closer to the spirit of Christ's words than many who label themselves as Christians (for whatever it's worth coming from me.)