Most everyone views things about everything diffrently in some way shape or form, leading to individual views about almost any topic. In your personal view what is the most important step of progress for the human race ?
For myslef the greatest step of progress whould be free thinking, the ability to discover new ideas whithout the influence of others ideas.
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the greatest advancement humanity has ever accomplished is sustaining our need for purpose.... either by science(as to blasting out in space in search of the remnants of the big bang) or by religion(as to evolving from paganism & polytheism to one-God in our search for significance).. They may seem futile to some, but judging the course of human history.... We've come far for a short period of time.
but with that comes the greatest challege.. to keep on progressing & never to regress... coz progress always comes with a huge price, What could be at stake?
Ancient greek philosophers...... self awareness, our being and soul or lack there of, finding out the meaning behind this existance, discovering what true humanity is.... asking why