My Yahoo Points?

I know it goes down when you ask a question -5 or delete an answer -2. Is it because i have answered many and my best answer stood the same so it went down?

Yahzmin ♥♥ 4ever2007-09-14T07:27:40Z

Favorite Answer

If you are asking about your Best Answer percentage, yes, if you answer many questions but do not keep getting Best Answer for them, your percentage will drop.

For example, what if you answered 2 questions and got picked as BA for 1 of them? You would have 50% BA (1/2). Now, say you answered 2 more questions, but did NOT get picked as BA for either of them. Now, your BA% is 25% (1/4).

As to POINTS being deleted, this can happen not only from asking or deleting your own answer, but because a question or answer of yours was reported for a violation and removed (-10 or -12, respectively), or if an answer of yours is removed because the question you answered was removed (-2, then).