My grandfather immigrated from Italy around 1904.?

How can I find the name of the boat .


Favorite Answer

Try Look up your grandfather's name; if he came through Ellis Island, he will be there. Then click on "Passenger Manifest" and it will give you a lot of information, not only on the ship, but on who he traveled with. It's a great site!

If your grandfather doesn't come up, try alternate spellings for his name...sometimes they wrote down the names wrong.


I would go to a Geneaology Center, or at least website. Boats probably have records on microfilm, which might contain your grandfather's name. I assume he emigrated to New York: if you are near the area, that would be helpful. The website I linked to looks helpful.

The King of Shock and Awe2007-09-15T15:07:56Z

You might see if Ellis Island has a website, but I know the Sons of Italy in America has one, though you might have to be a member to gain such info.


Immigration offices or museum at Ellis Island


Try the Ellis Island database:


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