Bed wetting?

Has anyone used alarm devices for their child to help stop bed wetting? If so, how do you like it? What kind? and Where did you get it?


He is 5 and he stops drinking 1-1/2 to 2 hour before he goes to bed. I also make sure he goes potty before he gose to bed. I have tried to get him up in the middle of the night to go but he is a VERY DEEP.

OC Boarder2007-09-17T07:16:46Z

Favorite Answer

I remember my brother had an alarm pad that would go off when it got wet. Not sure where my parents got it. It seemed to have worked.

Just google bed wetting solutions


I don't know that I would try this unless your child is perhaps 8 or 9 and still having problems. I can assure you, your child doesn't want to wet the bed, and child younger than 8 would have a hard time understanding. This could complicate an already embarrassing situation into almost punishment, further humiliation.

While I'm not a doctor, I'm a mom and would on occasion wet the bed because I would sleep so hard. Honestly, I would have dreams that I got up and went to the bathroom and I was doing the right thing, only to wake up in a wet bed. I would say no more liquids 2 hours before bed time, and make sure you child goes potty just before bed time. If you're already doing this, then your child just doesn't have the nighttime bladder control yet. Let your child use the night time pull ups until he or she is more confident. This is a very common problem and I think the more focused you as the parent is on solving the problem, only make it more stressful for the child.


I have heard of these. Supposidly it shocks you and then you wake up.

How old is your child

Mine is 6 and she still wets the bed. I have talked with her dr and she said that she is still developig muscles and that it can take up to a few more years before she can control her bladder while subconciously sleeping. She didn't recommend the alarm or anything else except no water and or liquids before 6. Make sure she goes potty before bed and wake her up before you go to bed to send her to the potty.


My sister used one of these when she was younger, however, it didnt work for her. She would sleep soooo deeply that she wouldnt hear the alarm. I believe it was purchased at a drug store. How old is the child? It took quite a long time for my sister to grow out of it, but she did. I would not give your child anything to drink 2 hours before bedtime. make your child use the potty before they go to bed.