It's funny to see?

the "protest" for the "jenna six" is full of nothing more than fools striking a pose for the camera. Just take a look at the pics. Hilarious. Wonder if the head ***** in charge drove her Jaguar the fools who sent money in bought her.

Idaho Kid2007-09-21T09:00:43Z

Favorite Answer

Obviously it wasn't their first offenses, make them pay. And honestly who gives a crap about a bunch of kids who were stupid enough to put themselves in the situation where they could get charged for a crime of this nature. If they had walked away instead of jumping in to kick and beat a kid laying on the floor they wouldn't be in this situation now would they? Charge their parents too for not raising their kids with appropriate morals, they should be considered partially responsible for their kids actions. There are definitely more important things going on in the world and especially our country to have to listen to this garbage from a group of people who have nothing better to do than cry racism. If you get off your butt, get a job and act appropriately, guess what? People will treat you with respect no matter who you are. This is my opinion, I know some people won't agree with it, they just need to get over it. And besides, Al Sharpton needs a new Jag too.....


Andrew read this link....Jena 6...look who did march there...ask yourself WHY some black folks were WORKING, some were CASHING THEIR DAMN welfare checks and demanding justice for 6 thugs. one of them has 4 convictions before...none of that black who marched on or al sharpton didn't mention.


What is your question?
And what is the Jena 6 ?