harley w2007-09-24T06:58:33Z

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Poison Ivy or Oak

My grandmother told me of this:
When my father was just a wee lad or 4 or 5, they all lived on the Indian reservation at Paradise, Michigan. (Gramma was a school teacher and taught the children of the Chipewa tribe there). My father was out playing with his brothers and somehow tangled with the dreaded poison ivy. When he began to have difficulty breathing his older brother took him home. By this time Dad could barely breathe and his whole body was swollen almost beyond recognition. Gramma knew he was going to die. (She had just lost a 2 year old boy to the dreaded influenza the previous fall). She prayed and sent one of the boys to fetch the medicine man. He arrived and saw the trouble. Left, and quickly returned with leaves which he dried over the fire only briefly and made a tea. He instructed Gramma to give Dad a spoonful every hour through out the night. (No shaking of rattles or feathers and dancing around). Next day my Dad was out playing with the rest of kids and Gramma went on with her teaching. To this day, my Dad can walk, crawl thru or burn the dreaded poison ivy and it does not affect him, nor does it affect me or one of my brothers. I don't know about my sister or my baby brother, if it affects them or not.
Now, you wonder what was in that tea. It was made of poison ivy leaves! When I related this story to my Dad, he said he didn't know. He knew that he was no longer allergic to Poison Ivy, but didn't remember why.
I am a nurse and related this story to one of the docs I worked with 10 years ago, and he knew of this cure, but was always afraid to try to it, as he didn't know the ratio: leaves to water. Law suits prevent drs from "experimenting" on real people. The Native American Indian didn't have that hanging over them. Suseann VanLiew

Salt dries up poison ivy and other rashes. Merry

Monistat 7 Cream applied to the affected area, Monistat for itching. Mike

Hemmoroid cream works wonders, dries up the oozing of poison ivy and oak and also stops the itching. A couple of applications and it's eradicated! Julie

My mother used this remedy for poison oak many, many times over the years. She was 89 when she died in l993 so you know it's an old remedy. Mix together sour cream and baking soda and apply to affected skin area morning and night. Use until skin is healed up. Healing should be seen within a day or two. This mixture is drying to the poison oak. I think you could use this for poison ivy also. It would be worth a try. Sandy

Dab Lysol on the infected area...will alleviate itch and allows it to heal. KissKi88

Poison Ivy or Poison Oak -It used to be shown on the bottle but not lately which probably means if you're not careful it can burn some people. Clorox or liquid bleach (diluted) brings relief to the itching. Grew up in central California and it was poison oak there and got it a lot. KW

The best thing i have found for poison oak and ivy is to get a banana peel and lay it out on the counter and wait until the inside turns a light shade of brown , then rub it on the rash but only use one spot on the peel per infected area so you dont spread it, then let it dry and it is instant relief and dries the rash up within a few days. this treatment has worked for our family for many many generations. Earl H.

There is one cure for poison ivy that I find works better than anything. The juice from a jewelweed (touch-me-not) plant applied to the affected area neutralizes the urushiol in poison ivy and its relatives. The fresh juice is best, but if an extremely strong infusion (it's strong enough when it turnes red--this can take a few hours!) is made and promptly frozen, it can last for about 6 months. Don't drink it though; while jewelweed is technically edible, such a concentration of it contains calcium oxylate crystals. Not something you'd want in your stomach. This cure works better on some people than others, but it usually takes away the itch within a minute and removes the rash in a day. (On a related note, if you react severely to poison ivy or poison oak, I'd reccomend that you avoid mangoes. Mangoes and poison ivy are in the same family, as is poison sumac. I learned this one the hard way!) DeeAnn

My grandmother used Fels Naptha soap. It is a bar laundry soap that used to be very popular. It can usually still be found in the laundry section. While it is a little harsh, taking a shower with it (make sure to rinse off well) dries out the bumps or scabs and neutralizes the oils from the plant. Brenda


Poison Ivy Rash Spreading


Rash Spreading All Over Body


The puss shouldn't spread any of the rash. The rash is given by coming in contact with the ivy. Just make sure you don't touch it or scratch the rash and it should go away. If puss does come out just wipe it away as soon as you can to prevent the chance of it spreading; it should cause it to spread though.


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