Who Is The Group Behind Smear Campaigns Against Limbaugh and O’Reilly?
I don't listen to Limbaugh and rarely tune in to O'Reilly, but lately, any time you turned on cable news, one certainly couldn't help but get an ear full. This is one of the reasons why I prefer READING various sources.
I get most of my information from written sources. Don’t listen to Rush and rarely tune into O’Reilly. When I do tune into TV news, I tend to bounce around and of course couldn’t help but notice the latest ‘targets’.
Last week, two of the leading conservatives in the media, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, were dishonestly and unprofessionally attacked by press outlets that cherry-picked out of context remarks from lengthy radio broadcasts in order to vilify outspoken personalities whose opinions they don’t agree with.
Unfortunately, as folks around the country saw this play out on their television sets and newspapers, few were at all familiar with the organization behind the smear campaigns, or that this same group started the firestorm which ended with radio host Don Imus being terminated by NBC and CBS in April.
Maybe more importantly, even fewer citizens are aware that this organization is linked directly to Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as billionaire leftist George Soros.
Now we all know that politics is dirty and both sides play the game. But wouldn’t you agree that Soros is playing quit the role in our political situation? Of course the Clintons being tied into this, doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, does it?
Your opinions are looked forward to, as always.