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Anonymous asked in Politics & GovernmentPolitics · 1 decade ago

Who Is The Group Behind Smear Campaigns Against Limbaugh and O’Reilly?

I don't listen to Limbaugh and rarely tune in to O'Reilly, but lately, any time you turned on cable news, one certainly couldn't help but get an ear full. This is one of the reasons why I prefer READING various sources.

I get most of my information from written sources. Don’t listen to Rush and rarely tune into O’Reilly. When I do tune into TV news, I tend to bounce around and of course couldn’t help but notice the latest ‘targets’.


Last week, two of the leading conservatives in the media, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, were dishonestly and unprofessionally attacked by press outlets that cherry-picked out of context remarks from lengthy radio broadcasts in order to vilify outspoken personalities whose opinions they don’t agree with.

Unfortunately, as folks around the country saw this play out on their television sets and newspapers, few were at all familiar with the organization behind the smear campaigns, or that this same group started the firestorm which ended with radio host Don Imus being terminated by NBC and CBS in April.

Maybe more importantly, even fewer citizens are aware that this organization is linked directly to Bill and Hillary Clinton, as well as billionaire leftist George Soros.

Now we all know that politics is dirty and both sides play the game. But wouldn’t you agree that Soros is playing quit the role in our political situation? Of course the Clintons being tied into this, doesn’t come as a surprise to anyone, does it?

Your opinions are looked forward to, as always.

34 Answers

  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago
    Favorite Answer

    Media Matters a liberal watchdog group. They distorted facts and tried to make O'reilly into a racists because they are opportunistic and so far gone that they are willing to say something bad about him even if it's not true.

    O'Reilly commented on how a Restuarant like Sylvias were he was with Al Sharpton the night before was no different than any other restaurant.

    The Media Matters guy was on the Today Show the day after O'Reilly commented about it and Matt Lauer caught him trying to change the facts why they are "mad" at Bill.

    I'm sure now all the extremists liberals are going to call Lauer a right winger, when all he did was defend honest journalism, and exposed Media Matters for being less than honest, and having little integrity.

    some of the people who commented that were raised that you should smear someone just because you think they do it, or because you don't like them weren't raised very well, and that's what happens when ignorant people breed, they teach their kids to be ignorant.

    Source(s): I wrote something about this that was actually read on the O'Reilly Factor.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    Its all fun distractions from the real world we live in. I dont care about any of them. I get their talking points here and thats plenty for me.

    I havent watched the news since they sold us on Iraq KNOWING all along there was dissent about WMD and Iraq nuclear program. They simply say what they are told. A great example for me is the new vaccine for HPV. People everywhere are getting it with the idea that it prevents cervical cancer. All the while the company leaves out 2 important virus types and includes two for genital warts. The reason this is important is that or another company will come out with a vaccine for all the important virus types and women will have to get another shot. More money for the drug companies more shots for the people. In the meantime many women will get virulent cervical cancer that could have been prevented.

    The reason I include this anecdote is I talked to a reporter personally who could have cared and done some research. Never heard back from her.

  • 1 decade ago

    No matter what side your on, it's become stupid!

    It's like waching tenis with the lies, whos got the next handfull.

    Kerry is no good, thats why he didnt run this year, anyone who taunts his or her military time is an azz, the only thing that should be said is "I served", thats it.

    I also think that you have to serve in the Armed Forces to run for ANY goverment leadership job!

    Thos who would go in harms way for America should be the ones who lead it, not people with money.

    Well I hope the 3rd world war cleans out you leftist!

  • 5 years ago

    So now exposing the truth is considered a smear? The real question is how did Obama manage to keep his cover ups going as long as his did and will Obama be the first US President to actually go to jail?

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  • Stan
    Lv 6
    1 decade ago

    There's no smear campaign against Limbaugh and O'Reilly.

    They both do a fine job by themselves simply by opening their pie holes.

    They don't need any help...they both leave smear marks, like those of a slug, wherever they roam.

  • 1 decade ago

    The recent Limbaugh and O'Reilly comments were controversial but not worth getting angry about

    I should say, however, that they have made incredibly insensitive, inane, and simply hate-filled comments in the past which have been preventing people from opening their eyes to what this administration is doing.

  • I wish I was the leader of the group. I used to attempt to try and listen to Rush while I was delivering food, but every single sentence that came out of his mouth made me shake my head. The guy is a moron, period. As for Orally, Keith Olbermann owns him daily.

    Source(s): People with brains.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    I wouldn't be concerned about Limbaugh and O'Reilly as they are as guilty about taking excerpts from statements of others and representing completely unfounded accusations or facts. I hope your not suggesting that radio and newspapers are controlled by liberals! If you do jump around on radio you know that they are all sniping each other.

  • Boss H
    Lv 7
    1 decade ago

    Limbaugh and O’Reilly are behind it to boost their own ratings.

    If they would learn to do something other than twist and spin the facts, there wouldn't be any response at all from people who possess good critical thinking skills.

    <<<Last week, two of the leading conservatives in the media, Rush Limbaugh and Bill O’Reilly, were dishonestly and unprofessionally attacked by press outlets that cherry-picked out of context remarks from lengthy radio broadcasts in order to vilify outspoken personalities whose opinions they don’t agree with.


    awwwww poor wil' wight-wingers, can't take what they give.

    Source(s): <<It's pretty obvious that none of the people responding to you have ever listend to either one of them>> funny, just because i missed their shows for the passed two weeks, just because i am far to busy to make it a religious thing, doesn't mean I don't listen to them. Listening to the oposition is part of keeping up with politics.
  • Anonymous
    1 decade ago

    People like Limbauch and O'Reilly should be willing to take what they give. Cowards would not. I don't believe Limbaugh is very honest nor professional in his expression of disagreement with others so in his position he needs to be able to accept the same sort of thing he so lavishly dishes out on others. The same goes for any of those kind of people.

    When someone makes a statement or insinuation they need to be able to back up their claims or risk being called on it. A healthy give and TAKE are necessary to foster a fair and balanced view of things.

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