I'm shrinking?

In my adult life, I've always been 5 feet 0 inches exactly. This morning I had a doctor's appointment and measured 4 feet 11 3/4 inches. Should I be worried? I can't afford to lose the little bit of height that I have. This would be funny if it were happening on a sitcom. Now how am I supposed to reach the stuff on the top shelf? I already feel silly having to keep a step stool in the kitchen. Just once I'd light to be able to change a light bulb without having to ask a bf or neighbor.

Yes, I know that I should have asked the doctor, but I forgot.


Favorite Answer

don't worry about it, the measurement of your height varies, because nothing can measure the exact height. your doctor's measurement may be close to your real height, but it may not be as accurate. samething with weight, when i step on my doctor's scale i weigh 120 pounds, but on the scale at home i weigh 123. of course body shrinking does happen, but not until you get to your 40's or 50's. that's when your cartilage starts to degrade.


Same thing happened to me I have been 5 feet since I stopped growing and then I recently was measured at the doctor and I am 4'11 and 3/4 or something :P I am only 25 so I just assume that before I was just measured wrong because this time I made the nurse measure twice.

okie's back2007-10-22T09:45:10Z

Everyone does a bit as they age. Funny thing is, you usually go up a shoe size, about 1/2 size every 3 to 5 years, generally 2 sizes before it stops.


A person's height actually varies. One might measure heigher in the morning then in the evening. Maybe when you were originally measured was at a different time of the day.

Narayan I2007-10-22T10:27:19Z

I am guessing your appointment was late in the day. Measure yourself first thing in the morning, you will like he results. Our spines are relaxed (assuming a good matterss) and stiffen and compress as the day goes by...

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