Me and you get together, become they, and wonder about them. Who is the them ?


Its a question about how people like to compare what they see to what they are, and when you are with me, then we would wonder about them ( the other people we see ).


Favorite Answer

I believe that would be anyone who is not us.
Egos seem to feel that the only way they can be ok is if you are not. So,when you & I get together & become they, in order that they will seem ok, they think the only way is to be better than them, or those that aren't they. If you could follow that we are both in serious need of help???

U Betcha2007-10-25T21:25:07Z

Them would be us, you and me.
("you and me" is correct regardless of the naysayers, I'm referring to the words of the original sentence primarily and their meanings by implication. Of course it is wrong in the original sentence but I was never a stickler for forcing archaic rules on a living language so I wasn't going to say anything.)

Response to additional details:
When you refer to your own group as "they" you make the subject the sentence's third person object then when you tack on the "and wonder about them" sentence fragment it has to refer to the object of the main sentence (being "they"). So according to what you are saying the question should be "You and I get together and wonder about others.". Which means you could only be refering to the "others" from the tv show LOST, whose new season starts in either January or February, and I can't wait that long!

Crash Jones2007-10-25T21:38:32Z

If you're drunk, them would be the potential children from "becom(ing) they" ... btw, it's You and I