Do you have to pay for something left at your doorstep that you didn't order?

Please supply wording from the law that covers this! I have a water delivery company that I get 5 gallon bottles from but every now and then they drop off these single use sport bottles and then bill me for it. The only way to stop it is to call them and have them pick it up, but my understanding is that if you didn't order it then its a gift. I think they are trying to scam people.


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call the better business bureau and the attorney general of your state and let them know what happened to you. it may be happening to a lot of people and they would want to stop it. if you use it, you have to pay for it. if you return it or arrange for them to pick it up and cancel the account you never asked for in the first place, you don't.

Donna C2007-10-28T21:48:18Z

I would not pay for anything i did NOT order. I think I would inform them that if they leave anymore bottles of water you did not order you will then consider them a gift. I would tell them one LAST time make sure they know you have told them before not to leave those sports bottles again otherwise you will take them and refuse to pay because i think your right sounds like a scam to me alright!!! Good luck


You are correct. If you did not order do not have to pay for it. And if the people have been told to stop and they continue to send the stuff out.... you can consider them freebies. A judge would actually laugh at them (the water co.) for being so stupid as to continue leaving the water. It sounds like they're trying to strong arm you into buying them. Don't do it. Others have advised you to change water companies.... I think that is a really good idea.


Write a statement saying that you have never ordered their sports bottles and never agreed to pay for them. Tell them that, it is cumbersome and time consuming to have to call them to retrieve unordered products and that hence forth.. any unordered merchandise left on your property will be regarded as a sample or gift. Make arrangements to have your orders filled only by written, faxed or e-mailed communication and tell them how you will proceed with your orders. Have it notorized and send a courtesy copy to your state attorney general's consumer protection division.


You're right. If you didn't order it they can't bill you for it. I would call the office and tell them you don't want these bottles and you aren't going to pay for them. If they don't stop take them to small claims court. Save all paperwork and the bottles.

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