Ginkgo tree?

I have a ginkgo female tree in the front yard. It came with the house when we brought. How can I get rid of the fruits not the tree ? YEs, the fruits are stinky !!!They are too much works to pick them up. My Chinese friend didn't come back to pick them up. The nuts are good and expensive in Chinese food market. Please help !!!


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Ginkgo trees come in both male and female varieties, and as you know, female trees are a real problem in residential landscapes, so most reputable dealers will only sell males. Since your tree came with your house, I wish there was better advice I could give you, but there is no way to stop the tree from producing fruit. If you really can't stand the fruit, you'll have to remove the tree. If you contact a nursery in the area, they might be able to help you with removing it, and who knows, maybe they'll feel bad and give you a discount on a male tree. Good luck!


LOL! I have a female way out back...smells like dog doo!
But why don't you pick up and clean the fruit. Then sell it yourself for good money at an Asian Market.
Here in Massachusetts, the ground cover weed purcelain goes for $8.00 a pound!
Nasty little crab apples are 3.00 a pound.
Also, I love the Asian Markets, the food and music and religious diversity is a wonderful learning experience!
Not just Chinese, but South East Asian countries, and some folks from India will frequent the market.

The cooking smell, and the colors, and the smiles are all worth the experience .


You may want to look into something called olive stop or florel it makes the flowers abour from the tree therefore producing less fruit. Make sure you read the lable very carefully. The timming of when to apply the material is just before it is in flower as it is setting bud.

David H2007-10-31T07:44:08Z

Hire someone to clean them up, then offset the cost against what you sell them for to the Chinese food market. At least that way they go to someone who wants them.


i lived on a block, in Madison, that was lined with fruiting Ginkos, I loved it, how grateful I was to get pure Ginko
I also had a Chinese friend who taught me how to prepare them
just get the word out around your town that you have pure, fresh Ginko, I bet they'd be cleaned up for you regularly

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