For the next 24 hours, the rest of the world will stand still?

The time is yours to do as you wish. How will you spend it?


Favorite Answer

being happy without any drama, and spreading happiness


Well, I don't know what could be done while the world stood still, but be assured, I would not take anything that was not mine already.
Money in a bank or clothing in a store belong to investors, often retirement funds. Someone would have to accept a loss that was NOT their fault. I don't see any value to giving away someone else's money. I don't see how that could make a person feel good, maybe if you were able to take it from a known evil source, but even then I am not convinced.


I would spend the next 24 hours collecting all the money i can and aquiring all the clothes, and other such items as i can.......I would have to wait for the 24hours to go up to buy a car or a house because of theft of a car or home is frowned upon on our society. i would probably go on the internet and hack into a few things to mess up those that have done me wrong in the past as well.


I guess 24 hours is not enough time for me to do what I'd like . I'd also need a pilot to help me (go get Achmadinejad and others and put them in a vary precarious position).

So with only 24 hours I'd enter as many banks as I could and take whatever I could carry . Then after the 24 hours was over , I'd have the money to do other things. .. . . surprise turkeys on every doorstep in the poor neighborhood near me . . .. .right as many wrongs as possible. . .. . . and maybe open a 'Pay it Forward' business where I could help others - help others. Take-in as many requests for help as possible and then match people needs with others abilities to give , . . . and so on. . . and so on. . . . and so on . . . and so on !


Oh WOW!!

Hmmm. I think I'd load up the horses, dogs and husband into the trailer and go camping. Not very exciting, but I honestly can't think of a better way to spend my time.

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