i have a girlfriend right now and things are going great. however, my ex girlfriend and i broke up about 6 months ago. we still maintain a friendship but i know she wants me back. the ex knows about the current girlfriend and vice versa. however, my current girlfriend is getting upset that i still hang out with my ex. i tried to explain to her that shes still a friend but its hard for her to accept.
guys, girls, what would you do? do you see it her way or mine? i just hate to think that i should change who i am by listening/giving in to my current girlfriend.
i still care about my ex girlfriend and there is no way i will just eliminate her from my life... thats what im trying to explain to my ex. the ex is still very important to me. is that too much for my current gf to respect? i've reassured her that shes the only one and nothing will happen with my ex.
Challah back Girl...2007-11-06T11:35:32Z
Favorite Answer
I thin you need to think about why you hang out with your ex-girlfriend and why she is hanging out with you...
there's nothing wrong with it, but there might still be some chemistry there and you two are denying it. If that's the case, you need to rethink things and be fair to these girls.
Hello, your current girlfriend may or may not have a point. Consider this: how would you feel if your current girlfriend was spending some time with an ex boyfriend? Even if you would think it is okay she does not, and part of loving a person is considering what makes them feel uncomfortable and doing the opposite.
Changing and doing things that another person likes does not necessarily mean that you are changing who you are; it just means that you are taking another persons feelings, likes, or dislikes into consideration. (Normally when in a relationship such as this, this is the case)
My advice: Limit your contact with your ex girlfriend. Your ex girlfriend is in your past and your current girlfriend is your present.
Am not saying or suggesting you should dismiss your ex girlfriend altogether but your ex should be treated the same way you would treat another guy friend. (it should strictly just be friendship from afar; given the history you guys have with one another.)
Hope things work out, and I hope this advice helped.
I can see this from both angles. It all depends on how you feel about your current gf. Do you see it being a long term relationship or would you like it to be? If so then tone it down a little. Regardless of how good a friend you are to your ex your current gf probably sees her as a threat. As women, even in a solid relationship we are still very insecure. If you want to continue to hang out with the ex, that is fine, but make sure you are constantly reassuring your current gf that you still only want to be with her. Trust me, it will take some time, but eventually she will come around to the idea. You might even consider taking them both to lunch, so that they can chat, and she might start to see her as a friend and not a threat, so much.
Who do you love? You seem to be confused. There is a reason your ex girlfriend is an EX. Why does she think she can get back with you? Are you giving some type of false hope by hanging out with her? She obviously doesn't understand the "friend" concept. Go with your heart and be honest to your current girlfriend, she deserves that.
i would honsetly hate to pick between the two of them. they both sound great but if your ex is going to get in the way of your happiness with your current girlfriend than stop seeing her. who is more important to you..who would you rather hurt is the question your going to be asking yourself because if they are both important to you how do you choose sides? your ex is your ex you broke up for a reason but explain to her that your just friends and that you love your current girlfriend and nothing will ever change that. then go and do something cute for your current girlfriend to show her how much you care about her and love and that your ex is an ex and thats it. she's just a friend and that she (current gf) means that world to you. hope this helps <33 good luck!