Why do people give thumbs down to answers that?

are a matter of personal taste? For example, I asked this question yesterday over in the music section:
And look at all the thumbs down to everyone's answers! How could anyone give a thumbs down to something that has no right or wrong answer, only personal preference? I always put in a disclaimer saying that it's not me!


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I have seen it many times in all the sections. I don't understand why if someone is going to give an answer that they go through and give everyone else's answer a thumbs down. I guess they think we can't figure out who dished them out!!
I agree with you, it's all a matter of personal taste.
Unually if I see a good answer with a thumbs down, I will give it a thumbs up to try and counter balance, for unfair treatment:~)


Some people are very connected emotionally to the topic of a question -- they don't seem to understand that others can have a different opinion that they do.

Some answers do deserve a thumbs down, but yes, I agree with you that most of them do not -- and giving a thumbs down might actually hurt some people's feelings.


D'you know I think there are a few people who have nothing
better to do, than to go through all of the forums sometimes
and vote thumbs down on either all the answers,or just the
ones they don't like. Or maybe it's the contributors, they don't
like. So now I am so used to getting them, I only 'notice' the thumbs up when I get a few. If you answer to the best of your knowlege or opinion, that's all that's important. Not what any-
one thinks of you or your answer. Don't pay any attention to
the thumbs up or down, and you won't have to deal with any
stress. I have more important things to stress over and that
sure isn't one of them. Trust me!


I wanted to answer that question but it is impossible as different moods make you feel like listening to different music, as for the thumbs down, I do not even know how to do that!!! Must take more notice....agree that it is silly to just do that because of personal preferences, as I always said to my partner, I may not like a song or a group but I say that, I don't say oh they are crap, they are possibly brilliant but just not to my taste.....


I've come to realize that there are a lot of kids on yahoo answers and they will just give a thumbs down to anything. Don't take it personally. Everyone has the right to say what they feel. Just ignore the "little ones"...lol...

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