What do you think of this?

It's a Short film about 10 commandments.


wrey1 God hasn't given us the ten commandments be saved by them nor to condemn us but He gave them to us so that we could have blessings here on Earth.


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In the movie I also saw "You shall not steal" (nr. 8) and in the background a pc with the words "Mp3s", "Movies" and "Games" coming out of it...

Downloading Mp3s and stuff is NOT stealing!!!!

Okay, it might be a violation of copyright, but that is a different story. Technically it's NOT stealing:

"In the criminal law, theft (also known as stealing) is the illegal taking of another person's PROPERTY without that person's freely-given consent. As a term, it is used as shorthand for all major crimes against property, encompassing offences such as burglary, embezzlement, larceny, looting, robbery, mugging, trespassing, shoplifting, intrusion, fraud (theft by deception) and sometimes criminal conversion. In some jurisdictions, theft is considered to be synonymous with larceny; in others, theft has replaced larceny."

But I must say, the video is an interesting view of the 10 C's...


Excellent portrayal of the Ten Commandments.


Wow, according to that I'm going straight to hell since I work on the Sabbath every other week. The world goes on and people are sick on the Sabbath and need to be taken care of (and in my case babies are being born).
And besides, my neighbors ox is really muscular and I can't help but covet it, oh and their gardeners are good too.


I think IT'S GREAT !!!!
Really, I haven't seen it .... but the idea ... A FILM at THAT
TIME!!.... great! That must have had been a famous israeli
cinematographer!!! Had he got the neccessary permission
directly from Moses ? Wow! I vow it's GREAT!!


It smells quite bad. Christians have an unpleasant odour about them. The smell of evil.

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