People say they're mostly attracted to a person's personality. . .?
if that's the main thing your looking for in a person. . . than why does religion, race, etc., usually limit someone's choices?
if that's the main thing your looking for in a person. . . than why does religion, race, etc., usually limit someone's choices?
Mr. Vincent Van Jessup
Favorite Answer
It's the whole package, the whole brew, the whole mix, the whole gumbo. Religion, race, nationality, personal values, etc all figure into the big big overall profile.
They lie. The word attraction means to pull someone to you. The fruit on a tree is there to entice birds and bugs and what have to to come eat it to spread its seeds.
Women deny (society, in part, MAKES them deny) that physical attraction has much to do with their choices. Looking at some of us guys I'm inclined to believe them BUT!! -- they lie. Guys like Brad Pitt trump guys like me every time.
Men are more LIKELY to tell you "Hey, she was wearing a short skirt. Then I got to know her." But they often say, "I like a good personality, intelligence, la de and la de da." They lie. Once they get to look at what's under the skirt and enjoy it, they get to know the person. THEN they like intelligence and humor and what have you.
It's positively amazing how cute a girl becomes when she likes me. I will NOT lie and say women's bodies do not attract me.
always an opinion
I don't think saying you are attracted to someone for their personality automatically means that other factors do not come into consideration. There are many, many factors that go into making a relationship work. Personality is just one.
HannahBabes =]
Bevasue personality is the Main thing
But millions of peopel have a good personality
So they narrow it down by these things
Because all of those factors help to deterime thier personality. If not now, then in future events. You can not seperate someone from their race, religion, ect.