What role does "rite of passage" play in shaping attitudes about homosexuals? - homework help?

I'm writing an essay for my sexuality and society class and I was hoping to incorporate a bunch of worldwide (hopefully!) opinions. The question in context is:
Examine why male adolescents are more likely to be homophobic in modern times than females. What role does "rite of passage" play in shaping attitudes about homosexuals?

ANY opinion would be helpful but please stick to the question otherwise it can't be included.

Thanks for your help in advance


yeah so if you could leave out the ignorance and sarcastic attitude, that'd be appreciated too :)


Favorite Answer

Infested Steve-

You are infested with ignorance pal!

Grow up!


It all stems from the fact the guys have bigger brains than girls. 3 times larger to be more exact. You see, smart people realize that being gay is wrong and immoral, and since men are clearly smarter, they tend to be more homophobic. It's science.