What is the worst gift you ever gave somebody for Christmas?
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When living on a farm many moons ago, the strangest gift I saw was a hog's tail placed in a box and wrapped for my Grandmother. The hog had been slaughtered and sold for Christmas present money, but the tail became a gift of its own.
Rubber Band Ball
♥ღ TravelGirl ღ♥
A frying pan ....but only cause they asked for it! I usually give nice gifts, but that would of had to be the worst
When I was a kid, I bought my Mom a sweather that was 2 sizes too big and a hideous ugly color of blue. I could afford it and didn't want to take time to look for other stuff. Glad to say I matured enough to look for right sizes and nicer things. She got even though-she made me wear it when I got older! Kind of our joke!
Sid B
Probably a tie. Monogram ed toilet and a Game with Ships on tissue paper where the aim was to sink as many as you can by peeing on them.