Please see cartoon on and pass your comments. The best review ofcourse will stand to gain 10p?

Hello friends, Many of us having been shouting hoarse on the
usefulness of alt/med remedies. Meantime allopathic quacks
have been doing their best to demean us. Atlast i have
stumbled upon a network link which is the proof of what we all
have been posting about on this forum. I want everyone to view
the cartoon and post their review. It is highly acclaimed video
causing a flood of hate mail. Watch the TOWN OF ALLOPATH
on line video now. Allopathic quacks are also welcome to
pass their review on the illustrated story board.


Favorite Answer

This entertaining animation creatively parodies everyone involved in the existing health care system — the greedy pharmaceutical industry, the self-interested medical profession, the inept FDA, a general public ignorantly aiding in their own downfall, and even the so-called “crackpots” and “quacks” who are ridiculed for sounding the alarm.

Zen Cat2007-12-12T12:08:56Z

Last time mercola posted that, he said it generated more hate mail than anything else he'd put up. Guess that means he hit a soft spot :D
Great video, it's just funny how absurd some of our practices are and yet at the same time everyone believes in them.


What an absurdly true video. A perfect representation of what is really happening in our world today. I loved the ending where the hermit lives happily and healthily ever after.

Thanks for posting it.


great way to start my day, thanks

puts things in perspective
too early for me to write, but thanks for link