Article ice melted radically faster this summer -- more than forecast. Your view on climate change now?

As reported recently, "Greenland's ice sheet melted nearly 19 billion tons more than the previous high mark, and the volume of Arctic sea ice at summer's end was half what it was just four years earlier, according to new NASA satellite data obtained by The Associated Press."

Additionally, "Just last year, two top scientists surprised their colleagues by projecting that the Arctic sea ice was melting so rapidly that it could disappear entirely by the summer of 2040.

This week, after reviewing his own new data, NASA climate scientist Jay Zwally said: "At this rate, the Arctic Ocean could be nearly ice-free at the end of summer by 2012, much faster than previous predictions."

Those interested can read more at:

Will this finally sway those still in denial about climate change?


Magnus: Thanks for your answer, but actually the ice at both poles is melting at an alarming rate.


Camobelp2002: The indicators over 100 years (those that we have) show that for the last 25-30 years there have been very alarming increases in factors that do serious damage to the environment.


Favorite Answer

No, it won't. I asked a similar question 2 days ago:;_ylt=ApKvie5J_.B1pnQlT7eTH0fsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20071210195739AAdkrj2

The responses were basically "Greenland ice is melting? So what? It's called GREENland, after all!". Such brilliant reasoning makes you wonder why these guys aren't climate scientists themselves.

One has to wonder how many times the IPCC projections have to found too conservative before the deniers will stop calling us "alarmists".

Add to your list the fact that atmospheric CO2 concentrations are increasing even more rapidly than expected:


I really wish I had an answer for your question but the truth is I don't think in reality it could be answered. The reason I say that is because no one can predict anything. All the scientific thoughts and people worries are not going to change what we have coming at us. The earth is going to do what it does because it wants to and it can. I do believe personally we are responsible in some way but who's to say what the earth would be like if we weren't responsible. I will ask you this tho, based on whats happening does this make the world more interesting or scary?


Yes, true. But Antarctic ice has been expanding. Most people aren't in denial about climate change. But to put the blame on humans is where people are fighting. The earth has cycles of change. It has done this throughout it's 4 billion year history. We just haven't been around to witness most of it. Not to mention, not more than 1000 years ago, there was a very warm period where vikings were growing crops in Greenland. Was it because of man-made global warming then? Or what about even in the last 100 years where there were a handful of worldwide scares saying the world was warming, then it was in danger of cooling, then warming again, and on and on . . . The earth has cycles and to believe we have that much power is a bit ridiculous.

Legolas G2007-12-12T09:41:13Z

Well, i think you are mistaken in your belief that people are in denial of climate change. Even the most conservative of people (including myself) agree that there is indeed global warming. The source of our disagreement lies in the cause.

Carbon Emissions. The supposed death of the earth. Emitted by your Chevy and your air conditioner. Causing global warming, or a result of global warming?
Which holds more fizz?
Cold soda, or warm?
The answer, as every avid drinker of soft drinks should know, is cold. So, as the warming drink releases its carbonation, it sets free its Carbon into the air. Thus, as the earth is warming, as is the soda in your hand, its oceans are releasing its own carbon into our air. Therefore, the only conclusion one should deduct is the fact that carbon emissions are a result of global warming not a cause.
What is the cause then? Well, new data from NASA shows images and readings of the planet Mars; that its surface is warming along with Earth. Now, unless the aliens have hidden coal factories that we don't know about, it is logical to assume that global warming is not caused by Man, (or alien) but rather by the one thing that warms us every day. The Sun.
Why then all this fuss? I have on word for you. Money. Politicians, (conservative and liberal alike) all want money. And i suppose this fact applies to the nation and the world as a whole. The desire for money is what keeps our economy going. But, when that desire turns to greed, as it has in our most righteous leaders of State, they will do anything to get it. Including lying to the nation about global warming. Why else would they implement Carbon Taxes? They really do not care about the environment, flying around the world in their private planes and driving their fancy limousines. If they truly believed in the Planet, they would practice what they preach. Its a scam people. Wake up America.

-Original Me


Climate is long term averages, not one year of odd weather. So I only care about the 100 year trend, not the present year only. For example people are always pointing out that 1998 is the warmest year on record so far. That in no way means the temperature trend has turned down. You need to look at the whole graph of temperatures for 100 years to see if it is going up or down on average.

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