Jamie Spears: rape victim or pathetic teen role model?

So little miss sweet-tart is preggo.

16-year old Jamie Lynn Spears (younger sister of Britney) stars in Nickelodeons’ “Zoey 101”.

According to Louisiana "Age of Consent Laws" (see link, below), this falls under the category of "Felony carnal knowledge of a juvenile"..i.e, rape.

She met her sperm donor at church (nice!).
Anyone wanna bet that 19-year old Casey Aldridge won't stick around to play the role of pappa?

What kind of message does this send to America's youth?

I suppose Jamie was jealous of all the well-deserved criticism her no-talent older sister was getting for being a drunk, drugged-out, no-talent mom-from-hell redneck wreck.

Nickelodeon should drop Jamie like a hot potato if not on moral grounds then for legal reasons.

What’s your view on this – is it okay for little girls to get knocked up?
Or, should we just coddle the little darlin’ and say “tisk-tisk, what will be will be”?

I about choked when I read this on the news:
“Jamie Lynn plans to raise the baby in her home state of Louisiana — "so it can have a normal family life."

There is nothing normal about a minor having a baby.

Source for legal status:


Favorite Answer

What a year! The spears is insane and disfunctional! Jamie is definetly not a rape victim. She's seen her older sister act inappropriatly and it just made her even more famous! Britney probably tells her what to do to get more publicity. Britney has to do something for money now since her music has gone down hill. Some one takes a picture of her doing something, She signs the contract to a magazine, wow $100,000 instantly! The Spears duo.....what a team! Keep up the good work hustlers!

Susie D2007-12-19T03:42:36Z

You can morally outraged all you like - but the reality is the thousands of teenagers are having sex every day, and yes sometimes they do get pregnant. It's not an ideal situation, and I think you're right that Nickelodeon should take her off the air because we really don't want young girls to get the impression that this is an okay thing to do.

But - a teen mother does not always mean a bad mother. For every young girl who gives birth and acts like a horrid mother there is a young girl who steps up to the plate and handles her situation very well. You'd be amazed at what some girls are capable of when put in this situation. Many stay in school, work very hard to graduate, and then go on to a college education -- all the time acting very lovingly and responsibly to their children. Don't condemn her to failure until we see what she's made of and how she handles it.

I would say my oldest daughter had a very "normal" upbringing - even though I was just 16 when she was born. I graduated from school, went to college, and worked on being the best parent I could be. No parent - 16 or 36 "knows" exactly how to be a parent.


For USA standards hardly a rape victim.Evey 8 from 10 kids under 15 have sex.With the speed they grow up in US 16 is hardly a kid.Pathetic teen - yes,role model - only to dumb teens


It's not okay, of course not. but you can't be harder on her than you do everyone else. she was never actually a role model anyway. haha.
and britney does have talent, you can't even deny her. look at some of her previous work.
i think it's wrong yeah, and that's definatly considered rape. haha. good luck to him.


I love how Britney and Jamie's parents don't really worry about Britney anymore (at all) now that they can use Jamie instead. Probably easier to rip her off since she is a minor.

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