Mathematical Probability???
What is the Mathmatical probability that all the emements esential for life would all appear in one place? what what implications do you think this would have?
What is the Mathmatical probability that all the emements esential for life would all appear in one place? what what implications do you think this would have?
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my brain hurts now
Good Question. As a Mathematician I feel the odds of a god existing are nearly infinitesimally small. But to show the derivation will take time: Christians think by stating their god is timeless that this addresses the problem of existence. It does not. The issue is not time, but one of complexity. The more complex a system is, the more unlikely the possibility of that state just existing without exterior context. If a system has one bit the odds are one half. If a system has two bits of complexity the odds are one fourth etc . Christians claim a god with infinite complexity and no external context. The odds for this are essentially zero. By external context, one means the system is part of a greater system which provides context for it's state. Usually in the form of a selection effect, but it could also be an evolutionary mechanism or designer. But Christians claim their God, was neither designed, evolved nor was part of a greater whole. The only possible answer to this conundrum of how reality exists, it seems to me is that reality as a whole is not complex but simple. Since the part of reality we see seems complex, it must have external context. The likely reason then for the observable complexity is a huge selection effect: ( Our own existence ). Only in locally complex regions within the simple whole can beings such as ourselves evolve. Now having concluded reality as a whole is simple, meaning it has few if any alternative states. What can we conclude. 1. Reality as a whole is infinite and varied. ( Finite large systems cannot be simple ). 2. Reality as a whole is necessary. It has no exterior context to provide an external reason for it to be. The only thing I am currently aware of which is infinite, varied, necessary and profoundly simple ( no alternative states ), is Mathematics. By Mathematics I simply mean necessary tautological truth. If nature is simply Mathematics then this question is solved. New Catholic: What are the odds of placing a bomb in a landfill and have a functional god be formed spontaneously out of the blast? And why would those odds be any smaller than the odds of your god "Just Existing" for no external reason at all? "Accidently Created" and "Gods" form a false dichotomy logical fallacy.
The fact that it actually happened makes the probability 1.
That said, even before it happened the probability was very high, given that once the Big Bang occurred it created conditions for giant stars to form. Those, in turn, created the heavier elements and the conditions for our solar system. Once the earth condensed out of the primordial cloud and cooled enough for liquid water to form on the surface, all the conditions and elements were present for life to start.
What kicked it off is still a mystery -- it could have been a spontaneous occurrence right here, or possibly it was seeded from space, but don't let anybody tell you that the conditions were too unlikely for it to occur, just because they neither understand nor wish to understand the process.
the s0urce
The probability of someone understanding what the **** you are saying? 1 in 1 billion
The probability of someone giving you a real mathamatical probability on this question? 1 in 100 Trillion
What is an emements? I think you mean elements, anyways if everything someone needed in order to live only grew in one place, then obviouslly everyone would live there. This can only be possible if the place you are reffering to is the only place with water on the entire planet, and it doesnt rain anywhere else, because without water you cant grow food.. And without food you cant live. We might need many things in order to live because our technological lives but just to live the human body really relies on one thing. Food.
good guy
very good philosophical question...perhaps some math whiz scientist can come up with a mathematical answer, but considering how many possible locations there could be in all of space, there must be another place somewhere that all necessary elements for life are also present, and the implications are obvious: we are not alone.