I need to know. Are there any really good caring politicians?

I was lied to about Viet Nam, Iraq, and not raising taxes. We see every year government servants abusing their power. I used to be an optimist. Now I just don't trust what they say or do. I'm in an apathetic comfort zone. Is this the beginning of the downfall?

Major Dan2008-01-10T10:13:30Z

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Yes, but they usually do not make it past city council. Any higher position requires one to be ruthless in which case you cannot be to caring.


I've actually met politicians who really care what happens to the country and the people in it, but by the time they reach the upper levels of government, they often get caught up in the power that politics brings.

It's sad to think that none care. It's like saying all lawyers are money grubbing scum, but when you need one, you have to pick someone, right?

The best bet is for a leader who wants to shrink government control, not expand it. Try to look past what they say and look for what they plan to implement or control once they get into office. That will tell a lot.

I hope your optimism comes back. I'm always optimistic. I know this country has moved away from the way it was founded, but we still have the best economy which brings us the best opportunities in our lifestyles.

Hopefully we can still improve things or at least stop some things from getting worse, but we have to get connected and email our leaders when we have issues. They still care about getting elected, so your input is essential.

I've seen some positive things going on in the past few years, so all is not lost. And remember, the more you know, the more you can make changes for the better.

Harry O2008-01-10T18:18:17Z

There are very few, but still some. That's how it's always been and how it always will be.

Politicians philander, lie, cheat and serve themselves. Some do good things along the way. Only a few have no self interest, even fewer have only self interest.

Guess it's just human nature.

shevi s2008-01-10T18:17:11Z

Mike Huckabee


Polititians operate by the same principals as prostitutes. They all are very caring.... to whoever pays for the service. Halliburton received a lot of care and affection from current administration. So did the big pharma, defence subcontractors, etc., etc.

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