Finger swollen and bruised, broken?

My pinky is swolen and purple, it got bent backwords really hard. Is it sprained, fractured, or broken?


Favorite Answer

i bet it's sprained, but if your concerned about it then definitely get an xray to make sure its not fractured. whenever someone get there ankle sprained the dr's always take an xray to make sure there's no fracture.
I bet it'll be no big deal but for liability reasons you may want to get an xray :)


Finger Bruised And Swollen


If you are in severe pain and can not move it at all, it's broken. Otherwise, it sounds like a fracture. I suggest you have it x-rayed. My 9 year old did the same thing this past summer (bent his pinky backward while catching a football) and I thought it was sprained. It turned out to have a small fracture and he had to wear a finger brace for about three weeks. See a doctor...better safe than sorry!


It is impossible to tell if it is a sprain or a break without having a xray. In the meantime. Ice your finger to reduce the swelling, if experiencing pain take a mild pain reliever such as Tylenol. Also put a splint on your finger to give you stability to keep it from flopping around and injuring the finger further. you can buy a splint at the drug store or make one by using a Popsicle stick and wrap with gauze. Make sure no sharp edges

Fab Chic2008-01-12T17:53:56Z

Of course the only way to truly tell is by going to the doctor. But if you can move it and its not too painful its probably just sprained or jammed. If its bent or crooked than its fractured or possibly broken.
You should have it checked out even if just by a med clinic just to make sure there isnt any further damage done to your hand. Good Luck.

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