Trajectory question?

I have a bolt action 243 . I am shooting remington 100 grain core loct rounds. Its zeroed at 50 yards where will it hit at 100,150 and 200 yards


Favorite Answer

Simple Solution.Got to the following Remington website and they have a complete ballistics chart/table with listings for every Remington Core-Lokt ammunition made.


The best place to check out any bullet in any caliber is here----, You can put in your caliber, bullet weight, and distances you want. You can get very detailed as in crosswind, friction, all sorts of stuff but I normally just put , for a 243, 100 or 80 grain bullet, 50 to 400 yards in 50 yard increments, sometimes a crosswind of 5, 10 and 15 mile per hour. Print off what you need and tape it to your gun stock so when your out hunting, it is a quick reference for you. one thing you may do is measure from the center of your rifle barrel up to the center of your scope, 1 3/4 to 2, 2 1/2 inches and enter it also as it will make a difference way out there. Play with the chart, enter all sorts of stuff, it is really good.

Doc Hudson2008-01-13T07:43:38Z


If you have zeroed at 50 yards, you are wasting the potential of your rifle.

You really ought to zero at 100 yards, or even 150 yards to realize the potential of your rifle.

Check the links JD gave you and I believe you will find that most of the tables are for 100 yard zeroes.


I am me2008-01-13T07:04:33Z

Depending on your scope hight of course (i used 1.5")
100 yds +.41"
150 yds -.38"
200 yds -2.46

If your scope is higher above the bore than that your trajectery will be slightly higher and if it is lower your trajectery will be slightly lower.

You can also download this program from the Remington site.