All things considered?
are you someone that your parents would be proud of?
are you someone that your parents would be proud of?
Favorite Answer
i dont know about ALL things considered, but as much as i've informed and invovled them in my life they are definitely proud of and think very highly of me B-)
how about you Ryan?
I think they would right now but at the begning of the semester this year i was doing alot of things they weren't proud of i was smokeing skipping class,skipping school and hangin out with the wrong people. And it just wasn't me and ever since i started dateing my bf about 3months ago i have had no time for that the stuff i got mixed up in with a guy named justin jesse and joseph! im passing my classes except english because i wasnt here yesterday but i'll get that but so far im makeing a's and my worst subject im makeing a 96 which is math and i suck at it. so yes i think i am someone my parents would be proud of im pretty sweet sometimes i have an attitude but thats just me and everyone ove is.
Usually- and if they can't be proud at times they just avoid talking about me at all.
My mom is very proud of me. I am very successful.