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No, not exactly. Microsoft has BID $48 billion dollars for all of Yahoo's stock, including Jerry Yang's, one of the inventors of Yahoo and its biggest stockholder. This is considered a hostile takeover bid. That's a big difference from "being sold to..." Yahoo may be sold to Microsoft, but that's a while in the future and has to be considered by all of Yahoo's stockholders.
Microsoft made an unsolicited offer for Yahoo.
I know that Yahoo has had a hard time compeating against Google and Microsoft doesn't even compete in the search engine arena. This would be good for Microsoft, but I fear it will trash Yahoo.
Do you think they will keep Yahoo!Mail, or will they replace it with hotmail? Geocities? Yahoo has been one of the best companies on the internet, ever. I'm afraid Microsoft will kill everything I love about Yahoo. I hope Yahoo doesn't take the offer.
Microsoft is offering $45 million, but I don't think Yahoo has accepted yet.
Microsoft has OFFERED $44.6 billion for Yahoo. Yahoo has not yet accepted. Hopefully they will NOT. M$ is the evil empire and I'd hate to have to leave Yahoo because it became another fiefdom.
I hope not!!!!!!!! That would not be good if Microsoft were the only game in town. If that happens, I'm going straight to Google!!!!!!!!