Giants Fans?

Congrats on a great game! Wish we won, but didn't... Oh well... Hats off to ya! This year, you're wicked awesome too! :)

A die hard Pats fan.


Favorite Answer


I gotta give ya your props, you're more noble and have more sportsmanship than any Pats fan i've seen.

We need more people like this in the world. Ones that aren't afraid to admit they lost and compliment the opposition on a great game.

Hats off to ya!!


Good for you. I like to see a fan of a losing team congratulate the winning team.

I did the samething when the Giants beat the Packers..

I know not all Pat fans are A&$'s, it is the waging jumpers that give the true fans a bad rap...
sometimes it is hard to tell which is which..

Packer Fan


wow. you really showed some class with that post. it was a good game. congrats to the pats for the perfect reg season.


I can honestly say that I don't feel so bad being a Vikings fan any more.

Wow, what a let down. How will you get out of bed in the morning?


If you were a DIE HARD fan should'nt you be furious right know and extremely dissapointed........right?.......yet again I may be wrong.maybe
"DIE HARD" fans dont get mad as easily
maybe "DIE HARD FANS" are understanding
maybe "DIE HARD FANS" dont care that there team was so closed to a perfect season only to be the 2nd in history to do so.

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