8 year old in size 6 shoes?

I have a 8 year old son who is very tall for his age, he wears a size 6 shoe and is about 4'10 already. He is very thin and having difficulty running. I need tips on how to train him to learn how to run faster until he grows into his long legs, he is very awkward when he plays basketball and seems to be uncomfortable. Is there a site or anyone with credible experience who can give me advice on how to teach him to run faster? any techniques?


He does not like to eat meat and want to be a vegetarian, so he gets all the vitamins he needs. We make him eat healthy meats such as chicken and lean cuts of beef for the natural supplements he needs.


Favorite Answer

so does he run like pigeon feet
i dont think you can change that


Practice and excersize. Make sure he's eating healthy, getting enough carbs, protein and calcium in his diet for energy, muscles and bones. Veggies will fill in the vitamins to make everything else work together.

More running equals better running. Don't start with long crazy sprints. Start at an easy jog for distance and very short sprints for speed, say, across the yard or up the driveway. Work up to bigger distances and better times. Don't push him hard enough to hurt or over-exaust himself, but getting the heart pumping is good.

If he's just a little awkward, he may just grow out of it, provided his diet & excersize are good. If it seems like a real problem, there may be a growth condition only a doctor can tell you about. (Even then, it may not be severe enough that diet and excersize can't overcome it.)

Pre Lives2008-02-05T11:57:00Z

He is tall.