Election Stinks?

Does anyone know why Al Gore, Ken Salazar, or Jeb Bush didn't spoil things in this primaries and stir things up, among others? Would anyone like to see both Bloomberg and Gingrich, not or, as independents so that each party is hugely affected and a Dem or a GOP might end up in 3rd place?

I'm a disgruntled conservative who will probably stay home on election day as I have to choose between the most liberal person in the Senate and a person who would likely have a military draft. That's a very nice position to be in. Anyone share my plight?

I want a economic conservative, since the economy is looking for supply-side economics; it isn't looking for big government. Anyone endorse this belief?


I just think that we don't have any conservative candidates and we're voting for two liberals; the extent of liberalism may be different, but in either case, it is still there.


Favorite Answer

I would love to see a conservative run as an independent or at third party candidate but it is unlikely to happen because most have too much party loyalty.

Bloomberg is not a conservative. He only became a republican so he could be elected mayor. Gingrich is not going to run because he cannot raise enough money under campaign finance reform.