What does burning the flag represent?

Just saw video of anti-war protesters burning the US flag near the Berkeley campus.

My question is simple: what is the purpose of burning the flag? What purpose does it serve? I heard someone say that it "displays dissent" but I don't really understand the connection.



Favorite Answer

it's really disrespectful

words for the birds2008-02-13T18:30:33Z

It's just a way of showing disrespect for the country to which the flag belongs. For example, muslims burned Danish flags when Danish newspapers re-published those cartoons of muhammad.

Those people in Jerkeley are really just spoiled children throwing a tantrum. Recycled hippie-wannabes trying to deny the world they live in.


I guess it'd be like if someone pulled their pants down and told you right where to kiss it.

It's just disrespect.