Has potential voter out there thought about the economy as a basis for their decision this election?
All candidates are talking about "change" and "inexperience". What do any of them offer as an answer to the prices of fuel and feeding your families? Hillary? Nothing! Obama? Nothing! McCain? Nothing! All say the economy is part of their platform, but none have offered a solution. Our government continues to be controlled by the oil industry and OPEC. We are literally being controlled by countries that would want to see our country fall from a world power. Vote your conscience and keep our economy in mind. Healthcare? Fine, just don't bankrupt our country doing it. Tax reform? Fine, think about a federal salkes tax instead of an income tax as we have now. Even the richest people in the country have to spend money sometime. Sales taxes offer NO LOOPHOLES! Tax the rich? How about giving them the option to contribute to the healthcare system for poverty level families. Should the government be allowing us to be robbed by OPEC and big oil companies? RECORD PROFIT OIL COMPANIES! BILLIONS!!
Now we have Nader running for a third or fourth time? Alas, someone has come to the rescue? The whole situation is fueled by partisan differences. No democrat is going to agree with a republican on REAL issues and visa versa. The democrats are still fueding over their platform and the ones that were so much in favor of Hillary have jumped ship for Obama. You would think this a boon for McCain but he is getting smeared by the very media that endorsed him. The election process is a sham and unless you are an incumberant or a rich man/woman. campaign finance laws make it virtually impossible to get elected to anything other than dog catcher. Real candidates (the ones that would make change) can't get the "powers" in Washington to back them so there's no need in trying. I think a McCain/Huccaby will beat anything the democrats present, but anything else will lose to Obama in a big way. What a shame to have our first real black president and no agenda.