Why do you Liberal Communist Democrats assume that people who disagree with you are Republican?


Favorite Answer

I hate liberals


This sounds like an angry question because it separates between Republicans and "others".

If you want to disagree with anyone, you are very brave. It really helps politics as a whole to be able to disagree. So you must have an unusual strength.

If you are trying to understand the liberal communist democrat point of view I think you are asking the wrong question.

And I think liberal communists are different than democrats. I think liberal communists are more like socialists, or socialist anarchists than democrats.

People who assume something about you are hard to understand. Communication is valuable?

I know this does not answer your question, but it does attend to the query. Maybe not what you wanted.


For the same reason that you believe you're talking to only Liberal Communist Democrats. Everyone believes that people who are against them are on the opposite side of the spectrum. I'm a liberal, but I'm not a Communist, nor a Democrat. Those 3 terms don't go together for me, nor do they go together for most of the country.
Oh, and most conservatives think that anyone who disagrees with them is a liberal. It's the same on both sides, don't try to make yourself look any better.


I don't assume that anyone who disagrees with me is a Republican. Just like I expect to not be called a Communist because I tend to agree with liberal ideals. If you would like to get past the name calling and have an intelligent discussion about the differences between republican/democrat ideals and liberal/conservative ideals, then please, lets have a discussion. But if you want to resort to name calling, then go back to elementary school.


You're right. Most republicans I know are more mature than to call people names like "liberal communist democrats".

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