Pronunciation of "Pertelote" from 'Canterbury Tales'?
What is the correct phonetic pronunciation of the name of the hen "Pertelote" from the 'Nun's Priest's Tale' in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales'?
What is the correct phonetic pronunciation of the name of the hen "Pertelote" from the 'Nun's Priest's Tale' in Chaucer's 'Canterbury Tales'?
Favorite Answer
It is pronounced Per-ta-lote (rhymes with tote).
This is actually incorrect. Chaucer used Middle English, and this answer is using the rules of Modern English. In the former a final e is pronounced except when followed by a vowel, h or w. Throte above does not therefore sound like throat, but throata. Likewise, Pertelote would usually sound something more like Pear-ta-loat-a.