Is Yahoo Q/A the proper forum for asking serious questions about health and diseases?

I have been very surprised at the types of question that are asked on Y/A regarding serious health issues. As a health professional, what is more disturbing is misinformation that is given, in the way of an answer that can be very dangerous. These questions/answers can be more dangerous then hurting someone’s feelings. What do you think, is this the right forum for these types of questions? Should these questions be allowed and/or should these types of questions or misguided answers warrant a violation.


I guess many missed my tongue in cheek point regarding violations. One can get a violation for hurting someone’s feelings but giving advice that potentially kill another is just fine……….


Blnknuts, I made a mistake on the first posting of this question and posted it in the wrong place so reposted it where I had originally intended.


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I am also a health professional, I come on Polls and Surveys to have fun and laugh. For serious Q&A there are other sections specifically targeted for serious Q&A. such as health/infectious diseases.

Sgt. Major Dammit ™- 90% of diagnosis is not a guessing game dear. why would we have to go to med school of that were the case, we could just sit and watch TLC all day if that were the case.

Jane Smith2008-03-06T08:32:15Z

I think if you're looking for reliable information that you can be certain is correct, Y!A is definitely not the place. Anyone who comes in expecting to talk to an expert on whatever topic is misguided to start with.

Misguided questions and answers don't warrant a violation. Who would want to come here any more?


at the bottom it says yahoo answers is not reponsible for accuracy of yahoo answers content. so as for serious questions on heath and diseases, here is a good place to start(like to get an idea of what u might have) then do ur research or best idea would be to ask a health professional


health professional !? Ahahahaha ! What a load of crap!
What are you Dr. or a nurse ?
Ok , assuming you are a "DR." , you should know that in your medical practice , 90 % of diagnosis is a damn guessing game !


I agree We need to Violate all these ladies who give wrong answers.

No Ladies Bend over and be prepared to be violated

Woof woof

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