Do you consider yourself a deep thinker? With what intellectual honesty can you claim this?
Thanks. I want to know outright who feels they've got the tools.
Please feel free to be yourself here. I am here to judge or analyze. I am just wanting some conversation.
methoose, don't get worked up about my motivations for asking this question. Like I said, I am just looking to reflect on what makes a deep thinker and what makes intellectual honesty afire in a thinker. I am a deep thinker, if you really want to know my stand.
I actually like talking about these subjects, so no one cause a stir or fight here.... please.
It's just that I feel sane to know there are people who actually really strive to go to the deep end and take on such intellectual challenges. Anyone who is a thinker will know with how much reservation I even stated the previous sentence. A person who pounces can't understand that the first sentence of this piece of memo does not admit anything about myself, but they will assume it does and veer the conversation to personal attack.
I really hunger for deep engagements in thinking and I perfectly well know how much another person who understands feeds and nourishes this hunger. So, that's ultimately why I asked.
Favorite Answer
I consider myself a definite deep thinker. Every once in a while I sit on the internet trying to grasp concepts far beyond a high schoolers ability, such as dark matter and the "infinity" of space and stuff like that. In fact, every once in a while, if I'm really struggling with something I'll take some physcedelics and sit in my yard and meditate. It has really helped me understand some things about existence, and the idea of movement and space (not outer space "space", the idea that things take up room) that I never thought I would be able to grasp. I consider myself a very philosophical and deep person. Probably not as much as some others because to think that you are the deepest would be an extremely arrogant statement. Anyhow I believe anyone has the "tools", they just might put them to use for thinking about other things that wouldn't be considered deep. Like how you think about philosophy really deeply, maybe someone else thinks about hunting just as deeply. I suppose it's all has to do with perspective.
I used to play baseball, when I was in college. I remember an opposing coach said to me "You've got all the tools, kid." In the best Bones McCoy tradition, I replied, "I'm a shortstop, not a f*****g plumber." Point there is, even though I went to the school, a pretty good one, though I say it myself, on a baseball scholarship, the REASON I went there was to get an education. My field was military history (and I wore the uniform myself for a number of years), but I can hold my own in literature, mathematics, and science even with the pros. I'm committed to being a lifelong learner, and I'm tenacious.Once I get hold of a concept, or an idea, or even a paragraph, I will NOT give up until I've got my mind thoroughly wrapped around it. Does that make me a deep thinker? I dunno. I suppose it makes me a wide thinker, but I don't think that's the same thing, in the sense that you mean it. Certainly I'm no Joyce, no Kant, not even a Doug Hofstadter, but I've had my moments. I suppose I'll just have to give it more thought.
No. Not to most people. A long time ago I discovered the ultimate purpose for all knowledge that every generation of man learns during his life time. And I learned why they could not see the answer.
Edit. I learned a long time ago that man is an arrogant being. To such an extent the he thinks he knows all the answers. Even more than the creator does. So much so that when the creator became flesh and blood they rejected his wisdom and killed him. But the answer they could not see , whom the creator is, was more powerful than death
I learned also that experience that man does not know what true wisdom is. And that men would rather reject what holds the world together in it's solid reality, rather then let ting go of their petty ideas of knowledge accepting the full power in the strength of simplicity.
To say you are a deep thinker isn't the same as laying claim to vast resources of wisdom. I think it is an ever searching, curious mind. It is one that can stay on a though and enjoys working it like a rubic's cube. I enjoy exercising the little gray cells but make no claims to great wisdom. I see myself as a student rather than a teacher. What I do know is that everyone I meet can teach me something. A deep thinker will savor a concept and be willing to entertain ideas that are foreign and challenging. A deep thinker also knows rubbish when they see it and doesn't need to sound off on it just to make his voice heard. A new question to ponder is a treasure.
I am a shallow thinker. If I do not know the answer I will look for a reference in a flash. The truth needs to be simple. That which requires deep thought or rationalization worries me. So many others have said it so much better before. I do not strive for original Philosophical thought. Just reasons and direction to read more.