Question about the Geert Wilders/Fitna discussion here... What do you think?
In the last few days three questions were posted here in regard to the Geert Wilders film that was released a few days ago... Two of them were sort of directed against muslims and they remain... One was directed against Geert Wilders but it has been deleted... What are your thoughts on this?
Orla C2008-04-01T02:02:39Z
Favorite Answer
I've always thought that Geert Wilders was an idiot. The fact that he goes around with that hair only confirms it. And now this film .... it's designed to disrupt intercultural relatons within the Netherlands but I think it will seriously backfire and will only get people to sit down and talk.
Indeed I read all three posts. The deleted one comparing Wilders with Hitler was absurd, and warranted reporting. I normally distance myself from these kind of posts as I am a ‘foreigner’ living here, and your posts summarized my general opinion anyway (so not necessary to repeat in different wording). However I did make a comment on the ignorance of "white Dutch living in fear of muslims" because it was getting out of hand (putting it mildly).
I agree with Orla’s comments in hoping that this incident will bring the impetus for calm discussions leading to greater understanding & acceptance with regard to religion, culture etc. However I fear that this will not be the case and nor was this the intention when creating the “film”.
The reaction in NL has been calm and from what I see the Dutch have taken it quite pragmatically. In fact the bigger storm seems to have been generated abroad if I read foreign media reports & posts. If you look at the ‘Religion & Spirituality” section then are some unbelievable posts (from both sides of the spectrum) which I cannot believe are permitted under Y!A’s guidelines (somewhat akin to the post about hanging muslims which I also reported like you mentioned but it remained open - I suppose as I don't report comments very often).
So from the wider view I think this is a big shame that this video being made by Geert Wilders has meant NL has been cast out into and is being used in the media’s political scum, all in the name of additional publicity for himself. On the Y!A side- well what can anyone say, freedom of speech is one thing, freedom of Y!A is another
So you can post comments against Muslims but not against Wilders? Hmm, that says something about YA... It's actually not the first time that I noticed things like that on YA. I have seen very racist remarks about illegal immigrants in the US that where allowed to stay online, while much milder things where taken offline.
It might be that if users send a violation notification, YA doesn't seem to care if the posts step over the line or not. If that's the case, you could say that Wilders-fans are more easily offended and send these violation-notifications sooner. I don't know. But it seems pretty wrong. Everybody should be able to say whatever he thinks/feels, within the borders of the violation policy of YA. No matter what political ideas they have.
I might have expressed myself a bit poorely here. I'm having a nasty flew. :( But you probably know what I mean. ;-)
I'm a muslim and i have seen this stupid movie. i dont understand why some people want to put fire in this far as i know the 7% of dutch population are muslim. and they live in peace with the dutch people. i hope that love and peace will dominate these horrible attempts some idiots try to do. i am a muslim iranian and i have a wonderful rerlationship with a dutch christian girl for 7 years. we respect each other religion and we abslolutely love each other. hey people! dont let these freaks like Wilders win.