This is a few questions about ghusl. This is probably the main thing that i am never sure of. Everyone always gives me different answers. So please, only answer this if u know the answer for sure. I dont want any guesses.
I want the answers to b pretty basic and preferably in point form. I want to b able to understand ur answer 100%. Remember the best answer will get 10 points.
Anyway i basically want u to explain to me what has to b done during ghusl. I want to know what u do before, during, and after.
Dont forget i want ur answer very basic, simple, and in point form.
Maybe try and explain it to me in a way that u would explain to a young child. Im not stupid, i just have never understood the way other people have explained it. Also i am a revert, and am very new to Islam.
Anyway if u help me with this, i will help u by giving one lucky person 10 points, and im sure that Allah (SWT) will reward all of u for helping me.
Can someone also explain to me how u take water in the nostrils to the bone? I think i have an idea of how its done, but im not sure if i do it correctly. Can someone please explain?
£ºV€ Hü®T§ §º2008-04-04T03:19:18Z
Favorite Answer
Salam Sister,
Cleanliness is of 2 types:
i) Ghushl or washing of the whole body; ii) Wudu' or ritual absolution
Both are required for validity of the prayer.The first i.e., Ghushl becomes compulsory inthe following cases: i) after sexual intercourse; ii) after ejaculation of sperm by any reason; iii) when the monthly menstruation of a woman has ended; iv) when a woman's postnatal bleeding stops; v) and when a non-Muslim embraces Islam.
Ghusl is performed by washing the private parts and removing the filth from the body, then performing the ritual ablution (Wudu) without washing the feet, then washing the whole body. The feet should be washed at the end.
How to perform Wudu' or Ritual ablution
1- Make the intension in your mind to make ablution. There is no need to express your intention in words.
2- Say Bismillah
3- Wash the hands upt o wrists.
4- Rinse mouth, clean your theeth.
5- Sniff water into the nostrils and blow it out.
6- Wash facefrom the limits of your hair to the bottom of your chin, and fromear to ear.
7- Wash the hands up to elbows, start with the right hand first
8- Pass wet hands over head, and rub with wet fingers inside & outside the ears.
9- Wash the feet up to the ankles, starting with the right foot.
The washing of the parts of the body may be donne once, twince or three times but no more than three times, inside and outside the ears and on the socks is to be done only once.
Edit: After completing the Wudu' you say:
Ash-hadu allaa ilaaha illal-laahu wahdahoo laa shareeka lah, wa ash-hadu anna Muhammadan abduhu wa rasooluh. Allahummaj- alnee minat-tawwaabeena waj - alnee minal mutatahhireen.
EDIT: EDIT: Check link it will show how to wash nostrils
Sajjaad السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ2008-04-04T05:03:11Z
Assalam Alaikum,
If Ghusal is not compulsory on you then only pouring water on the whole body after saying Bismillah in your heart will make the ghusal if not then follow any of the advice above. Both are right but method of stating and categorizing is different but Fard are only three and others are wajibat and mustahibat.
To rinse water into nostrills take a breathe in and stop it there and take water in your right hand and turn your face slightly upward so that water can creep into it and pour the water in your nostrils and jerk your head upward and water will reach end of the nose and then breathe out the water. It is easy by practice.
salam Just a few links that might be useful, including one on ghusl.
The Complete Hanafi Prayer: The Complete Ablution: The Complete Purificatory Bath: The Fiqh of Fasting:
The first few documents are charts displaying the required acts, sunnah acts, and recommended acts of each item. As far as I know, your ghusl would be valid if you got the obligatory parts correct. From "The minimums of ghusl, wudu, and prayer" at : Integrals of the Purificatory Bath Two things are obligatory for the validity of the purificatory bath: 1. Having the intention when water is first applied to the parts that must be washed. the intention depending on the state to be lifted: eg. to lift a state of majore ritual impurity (janaba), or menstruation, or the general intention "to be permitted to perform the prayer", 2. That the water reaches all of the hair and skin to the roots of the hair, under the nails,the outward visible portion of the ear canals,and the private parts of the non-virgin woman which are normally disclosed when she squats to relieve herself. Unlike ablution, the sequence of washing the parts is not obligatory.
When I snuff water, I usually don't have to close one nostril. I just inhale the water and snort it back out. Since it is a sunnah (or recommended?), I don't worry too much about whether I did it properly. I cannot find it, but my memory says that the invalid ghusl after which one has already done salat does not affect the validity of the already completed salat. Where on earth is KMI? Or Gnostic?