2 similar poems?

I wrote these a few yrs ago (back when I had nothing better to do then day dream) Tell me what you think.

The father I didn't have

You loved me like a father
You didn't have to bother
Still you did
In your loving arms
You hold me tight
When I cry at night
And tell me everything will be alright
You'll never let me go
You'll always wipe my tears dry
When I cry

The loving dad I never had

Your like the loving dad I never had
You wipe my tears from my face
And hold me in your loving embrace
You say I may not be you flesh and blood
But I'm your heart and soul
You never had to bother
Trying to be my father


Why should it be in a different language?


Favorite Answer

First one sounds like you just wanted to thank him second one sounds more heart felt an dflows better, GL!


They are great but i would sugest that u type it in another language such as french like this:

Le papa affectueux que je n'ai jamais eu

Votre goût le papa affectueux que je n'ai jamais eu
Vous essuyez mes larmes de mon visage
Et tenez-moi dans votre aimer embrassent
Vous dites que je peux ne pas être toi chair et sang
Mais je suis votre coeur et âme
Vous avez dû ne jamais tracasser
Essai d'être mon père

That was the second one so u know if u want the first translated let me know hope i helped... Bye.

Idk just to make it more interesting. You dont have to have it in a different language just sugesting things.