How can I get my parents to stop?

It seems like at least once a week one of my parents come up to me and tell me I should join the military in order to get on with my life. I had a job I really didn't like and ever since I said I didn't like it they have been on me to sign up regardless of how many times I tell them I don't want to. I decided to go back to school to get my certifications to become a fire fighter and then go work for the city and when I told them that thinking it would get them to stop they just turned around and told me "you know you can be a fire fighter in the military". I really just want them to stop. It makes me feel like they don't want me around and really hold my opinions and feelings with little value. I have nothing against the military I just know it isn't for me. Why can't they understand this and how can I get them too?


Favorite Answer

Parents always want what they think is best for their kids, don't be mad at them for being concerned for you. Military has good benefits and education oportunities so they are just thinking about your future. If it's truely something you don't want to do, I would just ignore them and keep on doing what you love to do. Eventually, they will learn that you are not going to listen to their nagging. It's also hard for parents to let go and let their kids fly on their own. Let them give their advice if thats what helps them feel they are still needed in your life. Love them while you can because one day they will not be there and thats a sad day.


You are just going to have to deal with it until you get the chance to move out. But don't join the military if it is not what you want to do. Trust me I'm currently in the marines. If it's not something you honestly want then don't do it or you will hate it. People seem to love it or hate it. Their really isn't a middle ground.


Start working, or go back to school. Maybe then they will lay off you. If you're sitting around the house and doing nothing (even if you say you have plans to eventually do something), of course your parents will be on your case.

If you're really that tired of it, move out. But of course, you need a job to do this.


Sit them down and tell them how you feel, tell them what you said on here

Steven C2008-04-06T14:08:44Z

Tell them what you told us.