How can I get my parents to stop?
It seems like at least once a week one of my parents come up to me and tell me I should join the military in order to get on with my life. I had a job I really didn't like and ever since I said I didn't like it they have been on me to sign up regardless of how many times I tell them I don't want to. I decided to go back to school to get my certifications to become a fire fighter and then go work for the city and when I told them that thinking it would get them to stop they just turned around and told me "you know you can be a fire fighter in the military". I really just want them to stop. It makes me feel like they don't want me around and really hold my opinions and feelings with little value. I have nothing against the military I just know it isn't for me. Why can't they understand this and how can I get them too?