Wouldn't It Be Nice If...?

Wouldn't it be nice if __________?

(((I'll be picking the answer that best suits how I feel/agree with.)))


Favorite Answer

You could eat as much as you want and never gain weight?

Joe C2008-04-07T22:47:31Z

God came and took us to Heaven and we enjoyed all you can eat buffet without getting fat, speeding in the fastest car ever without having to buy gas, flying around the universe in the blink of an eye, lying on sunny beaches for as long as we want without sunscreen and not get burned, run forever and never get tired, and be able to remember everyone's name and everything about them.


Summer was here and I was on the beach enjoying the warm summer day


.....if I was 30 yrs. younger, a lot less creepy and had a sweet 19 yr old (about to turn 20) Christian girl who couldn`t get enough of huggin`, kissin`, squeezin`, and lovin` each other!


Wouldn't it be nice if Gym Class was banned from school.

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