This recession no jobs,and every thing is so expensive How can we cope with our day to day living ?

I gave up shopping for clothes and eating in a Restaurant. I am scrounging some books from the library, history of depression era how those people survived. Any tips on cutting down expenses on food and gas etc..? Your answers is a great help for me and the others. Thanks.


7 years on the job, one month now ,I am only working 2 to 3 days a week, unemployment sucks. I tried but too match hassle.


I am hustling on the side a dollar there and a dollar here, still it is hard to stretch a dollar.


Favorite Answer

Buy food on sale.
Buy things you need
From every paycheck save a big chunk
Be very tight with money
Try bicycling, walking or catching the bus
Live simple
If a problem arises at your job try sticking it through
You don't need to quit any job at this time and prevent yourself from geting fired


Quit voting for republicans.

Stock up on dry goods. Rice and beans.

Plan your gas usage by planning where you have to go and do it all at once. Rather than several trips.

Use blankets or sweaters instead of the heater.

Convert some cash to Euros while the dollar still has some value.

Form shopping "combines" with friends and neighbors. Then you save money by buying in quantity for the needs of the group. Two or three families can buy a side of beef and split it up.

Grow some vegetables. If you don't have a yard, maybe mom or a friend does. You buy the seeds and plant, they water, you share.

Study some recipes that have cheap ingredients, like casseroles and such.

For the guy that thinks 5% is good, it's the same as the 11% it was 20 years ago because of the population growth. We have less jobs and more people. Unemployment rate is determined by the number of people drawing it. The people who run out and can't find a job aren't counted in the figures.

A quarter of a million people lost their jobs so far this year...3 months... That's like over half of the population of the state of Wyoming.

The Scorpion2008-04-07T17:42:54Z

We are roughly at full employment, at 5.1% unemployment that really means just a very few people who WANT jobs don't have jobs. You don't even want the rate to be below 4% because that means the economy is too "hot." Inflation is a problem. All you can do is not WASTE money, we've been so spoiled for so long with a strong economy for 25 years straight almost (Ronald Reagan changed the world, all hail Ronald Reagan) but the economy always has to take a breather after being strong to re-balance. It will be ok, just don't waste money. Don't go out to eat hardly at all, that's hugely expensive and combine trips when you have to drive, take care of more things at once.


God is testing the people. The devil is tempting the people. So that we can learn new things. And all things come together for good to those who love God.. I have been a cancer patient for the last 3 years. Its the most horrible thing in the world and I hate it. But I found my soul mate and love of my life that I would not have had it not been for the cancer. I appreciate things more. My faith is stronger. My self respect and respect for others is stronger. Many oppurtunites have come my way that would not have been there other wise. It may seem like its a bad thing at the time it happens, but in the end, if you let it, and with Gods help, everything can be good.


Own your stuff beforehand. Be able to live off the grid.

The paradigm is to maximize revenue, and minimize expenses. That means get a garden.

You can live on things like beans, potatoes, onions, noodles, and rice for a long time. That stuff is like $20 to buy enough to live for a month. Learn how to use spices.

Don't throw away anything that can be used or bartered later.

Get extra income by babysitting, odd jobs, sewing, writing, etc...

You might get more cost effective ideas by reading about the real-life guy behind "cheaper by the dozen".

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