Independent Mother?

ok heres the thing. I'm a stay at home mom right now. I really hate depending on my Husband for everything, even my groceries because I don't have a vehicle I want some independance I would love to work. But right now I have no car and I don't know if I was working if we could afford daycare for 3 children. I can't work from home because you still have to go places and I just don't have transportation at all am I making excuses for myself or am I really stuck?? Can I get a job with no vehicle and living in the boonies??? I'm so frustrated with myself right now!


Favorite Answer

Oh, you poor sweety. It sounds like you just need a break. Being a mom is the hardest job in the world. Remember this is a temporary state. Please speak to your hubby that you NEED time away. With him, by yourself to visit family, maybe you can get involved with a local church, shelter, kid's school? You just need to get out of that house. You can get a job, but the cost of daycare will outweigh what you make unless you have a degree for a high paying job, then you should be able to do consulting or teach on-line.?? Talk to your hubby and come up with a plan, chances are you'll be fine.