PLEASE HELP!! how to put likert scale in spss?

HELP! please i dont know how to put my survery, that has 24 questions about teacher immediacy. its on a 5 scale likert. i also asked the age, GPA, and sex of the participant. PLEASE HELP




what tests should i run to see if the data is statistically significant? like an independent t-test, or a 2 way anova or something?


i have 100 surveys


also how do i assign what each number on yahoo im, angelina1888, if you could please help that would be awesome.

Michael S2008-04-15T14:03:02Z

Favorite Answer

I have a hand out in doc format that explains in simple terms which tests to run for which variables.

i can send it to you by email, e-mail me if you want it (


Column: total will be 28
Row: total will be the number of participants

Each question on your scale will receive its own column. GPA, age, and sex will also receive its own column. One column is reserved for participant ID numbers.

Each participants gets his/her own row.

In "variable view" you will choose the option "scale" for each of your scale's questions. You will also assign what each number means (i.e. 1 = strongly disagree, 2 = disagree, etc).

if you have any questions that were reverse worded, then there is a whole extra step. But, it's complicated so I wont type it unless you need me to, but I will check back to see if you need to :)

example of reverse wording:

1. Apples are delicious.
2. Apples are gross.

a 5 for question 1 indicates that they like apples.
a 5 for question 2 indicates that they hate apples.

so, you would need to "recode" them so the analyses are correct.

good luck!!