Is Yahoo having a major meltdown this morning?

EVERYTHING is acting up; 360 keeps asking me to sign in--when I'm already signed in--and is, of course, moving slower than hell, Answers is moving slow, too, and I keep having to sign into my email over and over again.

I have learned to accept a great deal of incompetence on the part of Yahoo, particularly as regards 360, but this is the worst it has ever been. Is anyone else experiencing problems of such magnitude?


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Yep, Thank God it's not just Me ,I was ready to call my Yahoo,well maybe I still should,and 360 My blogs are screwed up and yes every time I click on something it asks for My Password. I think I call.


It's not just you. It's ironic when a Religion & Spirituality forum makes you want to cuss and throw things because it's so freakin' slow to load/change pages.

? Jenae ?2008-04-17T19:52:37Z

I'm just passing through so I hadn't really noticed. 360 was majorly effing up for a while though.


Run a virus scan people! I ran it this afternoon and found a trojan horse and malware. Since then, the computer has been fine.


I thought it was my computer that was acting up, but yes, Yahoo does seem to be sucking worse than usual today.

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