What's something good to drink that helps you sleep?

I know milk is supposed to, but I don't really feel like sipping a glass of milk. Scotch usually does the trick for me, but I'm looking for something non-alcoholic.

I'm thinking more along the lines of tea. Any good ideas?


Favorite Answer

If you heat milk, just prior to boiling, milk protein will denature releasing a large quantity of Tryptophan (an amino cacid) which will calm and act as a great sleeping aid. If the milk boils..the tryptophan is destroyed.

Don M2008-04-17T21:23:29Z

Anything with some carbs in it may help, because it will raise your blood sugar, and one side-effect of a raised blood sugar is drowsiness. Coke / Soda / Pop is not usually a good idea because of the caffeine, but if you want to drink a regular non-caffeinated soda it might help... just not much nutrition for the calories.

Or get a small carbohydrate snack and some cold water.


An hour or two before bed you can try Chamomile tea. Water and Tylenol P.M's work for some.


Ice cream. Better than milk and more sugar to put you under.

Plus a good blast of protein to get working on rebuilding overnight.

HaagenDazs has a lot of eggs too. Better protein.

american citizen2008-04-17T21:28:22Z

Hot cocoa or chamomile teas are very relaxing and sleep inducing.

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