Brothers and Sisters have you recently had someone knock on YOUR door? To witness to you??

Today for the second time in the 20 plus years I have been on this earth, someone of another religion has knocked on my door..?, I was shocked. Ofcourse I was eager to talk to him about the bible. After I told him that I was one of JW's his entire demeanor changed. lol The conversation quickly progressed to the Trinity and needless to say he wasn't that eager to talk about it anymore. He had a bible but didn't use it, until I INSISTED that he turn to Luke 4:5-8 and John 14:28 (both refuting the trinity) He began to tell me that God/Jesus/Holy Spirit are one, But that Jesus is God, but he is also God's son. I then asked him why if they were all equal the Holy Spirit is not mentioned at John 17:3, he had no biblical answer. He basically backed out of the conversation and told me that I was going to hell because JW's believe hell is what we experience day to day(not true). He left telling me to acept Jesus as diety, but could not show me 1 text to support all his talk....figures.


That just really helped me appreciate the truth even more, and all the theocratic training we receive. I probably parcially quoted like 5 scriptures. Everything he said, I had a counter-point BASED in the bible. All he kept saying was 'accept Jesus or you are going to hell'. I just smiled and kept asking him to show me from the bible, but ofcourse he could not. His 'partner' (a young Mexican guy) was very impressed at the scriptures I was quoting and kinda giggled under his breath that Mr. Preacher could not find a biblical answer. I then told him in Spanish to be careful of false teachings, and that they could come back to talk the bible anytime. Ofcourse Mr. preacher had nothing more to say to me, he was he didn't want to be deceived, lol deceived? by what? the scriptures in your own bible? All I know is if you come to 'witness' to JW's you better know your bible, lol. Come correct, or don't come at all. Thanks to all those years of spiritual training!


edit: to slkrchck
I didn't insist in the sense of saying, "turn to the scripture now!", I only used the term 'insist' to imply that I was eager to get him to use the bible. I also was not 'besting' him in anyway. Rememer, he knocked on my door, I answered it. I only defended my beliefs since he had already condemned me to 'hell'. I could have easily 'tore him to pieces' with the bible, as he obviously was only 'carrying' one. But I did not do such a thing. He implied that I would be going to hell for not accepting Jesus as diety, I defended that from the bible. I was calm and it was not an argument. I told him that he could come back, but it was HE who refused it, because he realized that he could not support his 'teachings' biblically. He could only repeat the same thing over and over. "Jesus is God" "your going to hell". Maybe the description given isn't sufficient, I'm sorry if you misoverstood my intent, or misunderstood the situation.


Wow, so many great experiences, I hate I can only choose one 'best' answer as they are all great. It really shows you the contrast between 'bible carrying' and 'bible witnessing'. May Jehovah continue to teach us and bless the worldwide work.


Favorite Answer

when my children were young they were hospitalized a few times and preachers would come in the room. A young priest was very new and I commented on his tiny bible..and how could he read the print...I asked him to read me some scriptures and explain them...Then I explained them to him....I was raised Catholic and they neglect to teach the I taught this young priest over the course of the week we had to stay the end of the week we were getting ready to go home when he came in...knelt beside the bed and cried. I am leaving the priesthood because you have shown me the truth of God and that was a very special moment...especially since I was only a bible study myself and not yet baptized. I had no literature with me...only a all consuming zeal and love for Our Creator and a willingness to share what I knew.
A similar week was spent in another town with a baptist preacher visiting all week...the week of xmas...and he told me after many discussions that Jehovah's Witnesses truly had the right faith. What a great thing to say about our way of life.


We all have had that experience at some point. In my sarcastic mind there is a lot humorous with the situation.

Your mild replies to his growing rage is precious. That his lies did not cause you to say how pious he was hurt.

The biggest laugh is while he used his Bible as a stage prop, you knew what was inside it thoroughly.

Now I am just being sarcastic and I know not to be realistically.

I have had some preachers come to my door. None have any idea what Jesus' command of a witness work is. None even brought a Bible with them. Mostly they just invited me to their churches. A couple gave a tract. None had any biblical insight.

When we go to a door, we have a purpose of sharing with each person some insight from the Bible. We carry a Bible and know how to use it. (Sarcastic again, sorry.) We are prepared to answer peoples' questions about the Bible as true Christians should always be ready.


Hi John, I had surgery last summer and missed my assemby and couldn't go to the meeting so I know how you feel, its horrible not being able to serve Jehovah as we want but look after yourself and soon you'll be up and back in the saddle. Well, I don't have anything really spectacular but yesterday on the ministry we were doing a building and everyone seemed to know who we were and say "NO!" not ever leaving us time to finish an introduction. Anyway, in my head I thought, "we're not going to find anyone heree" (the building was quite chic and the people quite well to do.. anyway, nearly the last door I knocked and a man came to the door, he listened to my introduction and when I asked the question he thought about it and answered that it sounded good (Paradise) but he couldn't believe it to be true. We went on to have a really good discussion, I went all the way through my presentation placed my magazines and he agree for us to come back and told us he thinks his girlfriend would also be interested. It was so pleasant to talk to him and I said to the brother I was with you just never know, those sheep are in there, hidden and difficult to locate but there, just waiting for us. I don't know how things will turn out - the brother is going back with his wife since they're a couple - but it helped me to finish the morning with a smile on my face. Anyway, get well soon! Sunshine (Rosie)


That has never happened to me, but that could be I live in a small town in rural PA. My husband did take my kids to a community kids day yesterday, and a stand was giving out balloon animals along with an invitation to a free skating party to all the young children in the area, the man actually said to my husband "parents are welcome but if you just want to drop your kids off there will be people there to watch them". Guess my hubby looked like he needed a night off :) (NOTE my kids are 1 and almost 3, they don't go anywhere without me or my husband or maybe my parents. Especially not a "free skating party" with adults I've never met.) My kids thought the balloon animals were cute (however they of course popped the poor things before to long) and I thought that was a nice thing for someone in the community to offer. Later we realized as I was throwing it away (for above reason stated) that stamped on the back was the name and address of a local church that was sponsoring it, as well as a message that the children would have a "faith building fun night".

What disturbed me besides the whole basic offer of a free babysitting night with people you don't know, was the fact it was geared towards children not mature adults, I guess it was the whole get em while they are young attitude- but kind of hide it from the parents part. That was the most my family has ever been witnessed to. I have friends of other faiths and we share nice discussions but I wouldn't count that as the same thing.

Suzette R2008-04-28T12:07:51Z

We have had 2 visitors in the past 6 years here. One was from the local Baptist church and one from the LDS. The young Mormons were polite and nice to talk to and not a bit put off that I'm one of Jehovah's Witnesses. The Baptists acted much like your's did. As soon as I told him my faith the smile dropped off his face and his two lady companions took a step back. lol They always immediately go straight to the trinity...then hellfire. They didn't stay long and have never come back.

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